Wednesday, November 4, 2009

October LOs

I'll be back with credits...

Friday, September 18, 2009

September Fun

I seem to be doing a lot in orange and blue lately. There are even a few pages in progress that seem to feature those two colors. This first one was actually for a color challenge - to scrap a page in orange and blue. The older three on their first day of school:
Credits: Kit - Built Boy Tough by Scrappin Daisies

This next one was a birthday challenge to use a cute kit to scrap my favorite guy and some reasons why.
Credits: Kit - Guys by Scrappin Daisies; Font - Stamped DSG

Finally, I made this desktop for the monthly challenge to create a LO using the monthly mini kit.
Credits: Kit - So You Say by Scrappin Daisies; Font - Pea Lacy Chunky

It's fun to see when I get on my computer every day. It replaced this one (also orange and blue).

Credits: Kit - Eastern Elegance by Ramona the Pest Designs

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Brownie Scraps!

All month at Brownie Scraps we're celebrating one year of our favorite digiscrapping home. Each day a birthday challenge is posted. The first was to use this adorable mini to create a LO, focusing on the word art especially. The hardest part was choosing which picture to use - I found so many that would have been perfect! My girls loved making peanut butter cup cookies for a family night treat, but they loved eating them even more.Credits: Kit - Honey by Ramona the Pest Designs

Now that summer vacation has come to an end and the kids are back in school, I have actually had some time to sit and scrap. Hopefully I'll be able to participate in many more challenges this month. Here's my first one, the Fat Free Brownie Challenge - a white space challenge. Megan took a 3- and 4-year-old ballet class earlier this year and absolutely loved it. It was so much fun to watch her try to do all the moves, usually with her tongue sticking out while she focused intently. She can't walk in a straight line across a smooth floor without falling lately, but she had so much fun in this ballet class. Credits: Kit - Paris in April by Ramona the Pest Designs

Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer LOs

Summer vacation is over, the kids are back in school, and I've actually been able to sit and scrap a bit. Here are the only other layouts I finished over the summer: *I'll come back and edit with complete credit info*

For the Sprinkles on Top challenge, each LO needs to contain a certain phrase. "Jump into summer" was one from the list, but I couldn't find quite the right photo to go with it until I changed the phrase a little.
Credits: Kit - Alpha - Refresh

I love the Brownie Indulgence Challenge at Brownie Scraps. Creating a LO with an adorable mini kit is always fun and sometimes a challenge to figure out how each piece fits in. This is what I came up with in August.
Credits: Kit - by Kelly of Magic Dreamer's Designs

The daily brownie bytes kit by Scrappin' Daisies was so adorable in August! Here's a LO I did with it and my silly Heidyn just chillaxin in her finest duds.
Credits: Kit - Be You by Bethany of Scrappin' Daisies

This was for a word of the week challenge at Stuff to Scrap. The word was 'fun,' and this picture of Abigail just cracked me up. We went to the museum at Hill Air Force Base one afternoon, and Abigail was ready to leave LONG before her dad was ready to leave.
Credits: Kit - My CT Rocks; Template -

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I finally scrapped something! :) This was done for the font challenge at Stuff to Scrap. Watching these two try to mow the lawn like daddy was cracking me up. I think they decided it's not as easy as he makes it look.
Credits: Kit - Spontaneous Delight by Carrie Stephens, Fonts - Diesel, Pea Lacy Chunky and AvantGarde

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I've been having creative scrapper's block this month. So when there was a speed scrap with a really cute participation prize, I wanted to try it. Here's what I came up with.
Credits: Kit - Girly Girl by Jaelop Designs, Glitter - Sara Glitter Doodles by Kim Kreations

Friday, May 8, 2009


It's unbelievable to me how many times I've had the layout of the day when I'm really not very good at this yet, but here's another one. Yay! This was a speed scrap. The kit is adorable, the speed scrap host was fantastic, and I just followed the directions. I couldn't help but end up with an adorable layout. I love Megan's face in this picture!Credits: Kit - A Day for Play Brownie Scraps collab, alpha - Refresh by Shabby Princess (recolored)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What's the secret?

This is one of my favorites. It was created for a challenge taking my favorite parts of 3 inspiration layouts. I love how it turned out.

Credits: Kit by Scrappin' Daisies; font - Pea Sarah Lynne

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


When you see a layout you really like, often you "scraplift" that layout, which means to copy the parts you love while making it your own. Another version of the scraplift is the scrapflip, which is when you take a layout, flip it, and then copy it. This weekend I participated in my first scrapflip challenge and ended up with 2 versions of this layout. I couldn't decide which one I liked better. The more muted version isn't quite so in your face and really makes the elements pop, but I think the photo pops more in the brighter version. Either way, Megan's a cute, and I love how this little mini kit matches her pajamas. It's one of the submissions for the designer challenge at Brownie Scraps. If this wasn't a layout copied from someone else, I could enter it in the layout contest.

Which version do you like better?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Alpha Challenge

One of the Brownie Scraps monthly challenges is an alpha challenge. Ramona makes a cute alpha and you can use in your layout, or not, and your layout title should start with the letter of the alphabet for that month. Actually, there are 2 per month, and April was G and H. I plan to go back and start at A, but here are the alpha layouts I started with.

G is for...
H is for...
After I saved this version and closed (without saving) the layered version, I remembered the jounaling. I didn't want to start over, so its a little cramped.
Come on over to Brownie Scraps and try it out. The letter for the first half of May is I, and Ramona's new alpha is really cute.

Monday, May 4, 2009

One Ingredient at a Time

One of the challenges that really is quite a challenge is the "One Ingredient at a Time" challenge. Each week you are given a set of instructions to create a layout. You don't have any idea where it's headed or what will come next, so it's a trick to make it something creative but still have it look good at the end. Here is what I did in April step by step.

Step one was to add a certain number of plain and patterned papers.
Step 2 was to add 4 pictures.
Step 3 was to add a cluster of elements. (I did 2 little clusters.)
And step 4 was to add some journaling.
I don't think I would have ever made a layout quite like this on my own, but it's always fun to see where this kind of challenge will take you.

Credits: Kit - Sweet Sprinkles by Shabby Princess with some elements added from other Shabby Princess kits; alpha - Pea Sarah Quick


This past weekend was the huge National Scrapbooking Day celebration all around the web. One of the activities at Brownie Scraps was a Bingo game. I made this card to play with. After getting off to a really slloooowww start, I ended up being the second to fill my card! Since we played to the top 3 (which actually ended up being 4 due to a tie), that made me a winner!

Credits: Kit - Mimosa by Shel Belle Scraps & Mandarina Punch by Ivonne Ivett; alpha - Mimosa alpha by Shel Belle Scraps

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Speedy Scrapping

Another day of frantically trying to make up 4 speed scraps resulted in these layouts.
Credits: Kit - A Rainbow of Fairytales by Neverending Fairytale Designs and Rainbow Sky Designs; Alpha - MandyMade purple glitter alpha (recolored)
Credits: Kit - Denim Dreamer by get Designs; Alpha - Denim Alpha by Ju Oliveira Designs at Digital Scrap Cafe
Credits: Kit - Sweet Serenity by Scrappin' Daisies; Alpha - Metal Gel by Marie at freedigitalscrapbooking
Credits: Kit & Alpha - Frosted Sherbet by Just for You Digi-Scraps

Two more challenges complete with these 2: Credits: Kit & alpha - Designs by Ramona at Brownie ScrapsCredits: Kit - Spring Fling by Scrappin Daisies and Designs by Ramona; Alpha - felt stars
Only a few days left of this month and I have a few more goals to meet...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

LOTD - again!

Wow, I got layout of the day again! I can't believe it! It's not because of my mad scrapping skills, that's for sure. There are so many much, much better scrappers than me. These fruits were so unique that my creativity cinched another LOTD for me. Nuts! This really was a fun layout to make, and it's fun that other people like it, too. I really ought to add some journaling, but I ran out of time. This is Evelyn trying to feed herself one of her favorite foods, strawberry yogurt, but she mostly just made a huge mess.I was going to make a basket for the fruit to go in, but I couldn't find a good cutout that looked like a basket. There wasn't a bowl either, but there was a trophy. Luckily I was able to make it look kinda like a bowl - even though if you look at the bowl's "feet," they don't quite match exactly...


I just realized I haven't been including credits in these posts. Not good. I'll work on that this week.


Yesterday was my last chance to make up some speed scraps at Brownie Scraps. The participation prizes were mini kits that all coordinated to make one super cute kit, so I wanted to get all the pieces. Here are the four layouts I came up with and tried to do in a hurry.

This was one of the very first layouts I ever started, but I never finished. I only had to change it a little and then add some stuff to make it work for the speed scrap.

Credits: Kit by Karyn; alpha, staples and paper clip by Shabby Princess

This was a fun one to do. I love all the fruit, and the alpha came from pictures taken of oranges.

Credits: Spring Fling by Scrapping Daisies and Designs by Ramona; alpha - Clementine by Genia Beana scraps

I love how this one turned out - definitely one of my favorites. Isn't that title great?

Credits: Kit and alpha - Down by the Lily Pond collab by Mel's Lightbulb Moments and Vicki's A Work in Progress

Here's one of my other favorite layouts I've done. Eve has started posing whenever I pull out the camera. What a nut!

Credits: Kit - Girly Girl by Jaelop Designs; Alpha - Ramona's april alpha; Stitches: Spring Fling by Scrappin' Daisies & Designs by Ramona; word art - Linda Reichardt; brads - Shabby Princess

Friday, April 17, 2009


I was shocked to find out I had the layout of the day at Brownie Scraps on April 15 with this sleeping Evelyn layout.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


For this challenge, we needed to crop a picture close up and couldn't use any journaling or a title to tell the story. I liked this title, though, so I did 2 versions.

Credits: Kit - I Bit a Pillow by Dreamer's Magic Designs

First half of April

April is half over and I've only done a few layouts and even fewer challenges. The good news is I'm getting faster and these didn't take me an entire day. The challenge was to crop your photo in a more unusual shape and then make good use of white space. I tried 2 different takes:Credits: Kit - Mudpuddles by Designs by Ramona

This was the template challenge. I had a really a hard time deciding on a title - and I'm still not sure I like what I finally ended up with. I also couldn't decide if the top paper should be yellow or pink. The pink blended really well, but the yellow made things pop more. In the end I went with yellow, but I still love the pink, too.

Credit: Template - LeenieLou Designs; Kit - Jenebee by Dreamer's Magic Designs

Time to get a move on and get a lot more challenges and layouts done!